Diabetic Nutrition Chart

Proper and effective diet is imperative for diabetic patients as it becomes very important to eat the right quantity of food in correct quantity. A diabetic diet plan is considered the most important and potent tool which should be used to combat the disease of diabetes. Developing a diabetic nutrition chart especially with the help of a qualified medical consultant or a dietician can help the patient in knowing the correct food items for intake in order to preserve the nutrients of the body. The diabetic diet chart would entail the details of all the food items that a diabetic patient can consume. An effective diabetic diet chart would also detail about the exact quantity of recommended food items that need to be taken.

Patients should involve or seek consultation from a qualified medical consultant in order to finalize the diet plan which would provide details about the diabetic foods to eat. Formulation of the nutrition chart is a very complex and tedious process which is why the involvement of a specialized consultant is required. Finalizing the diabetic diet plan would involve working out a list of food items and their quantities which the patient can consume based on certain physical aspects of the patient. These basic aspects would include things like, age, gender of the patient, height, weight, amount of physical activity done by the patient during a particular day. Out of these, the physical activity levels of the body during a particular day should be given relative importance when the diet plan is being formulated. Similar to the fact that each body is different from the other, the diet nutrition chart for individual patients should also be patient specific.


Another important aspect that has relative importance in the formation of the diabetic nutrition chart is the tastes and likes and dislikes of the food items of the patient. These go a long way in making an impact on the patient's ability to successfully adopt and implement the diabetic diet plan so that the body is able to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Proper eating habits are imperative to ensure the success of the diabetic diet plan. the idea should be to supplement the nutritional needs of the body with the food items which have been suggested by the dietician so that despite suffering from dreaded disease like diabetes the body does not loose out on its essential requirements and can perform the daily tasks without much trouble.

Diabetic Nutrition Chart

Proper eating habits or routine would mean the regular meals should be supplemented by snacks in between meals. The basic purpose of this is to ensure that there is regular interval between meals so that body gets its required energy source. Following a diabetic nutrition chart religiously helps in controlling the blood glucose levels so that the body is able to get its required nutrition levels. The diabetic diet plan should be complimented with exercise in order to ensure that the problem of excess weight and other possible threats are kept at bay.

Diabetic Nutrition Chart

Controlling blood sugar levels is an art. If you want to be an expert in it, you should know the full details on what are the recommended fruits for diabetes and 6 tips on how to lower blood sugar naturally.

Nutrition For the Elderly

This is a pretty detailed story addressing nutrition for elderly people. As an RN, I'd been educated in nursing school about the aging process and what unique ailments the elderly population had. Nutrition for the elderly population was not part of the curriculum. Let me walk you through this so you can understand how nutrition fits in the aging process.

In hospital practice, I didn't truly appreciate issues with the elderly because hospitals are acute care, not chronic care. We knew the longer an elderly patient was in the hospital, the more likely they would become confused, progressively more ill, develop complications, and often die. In total ignorance of elder care, I left my hospital position to work as an ADN (Assistant Director of Nursing) at a nursing home where a friend of mine had taken the Director job and was looking for good help. Within the first couple weeks, I'd sent several patients to the hospital ER because of that ignorance! The first patient had a hard, hot, swollen, reddened area on her right calf. In acute care, that is a blood clot. It's very dangerous because it can break free, go to the lungs, block air flow and cause death. In chronic care, as in this case, it can be a recurrence of phlebitis. The symptoms are identical (red, hot, swollen leg) but the causes are different. I didn't regret it, because you never really know. It might have been a blood clot, but...other staff with more experience, and knowing the patient's history, would not have sent her.


Several body systems affect nutrition for elderly people. Let's start from the head and work our way down.

Nutrition For the Elderly

1. Memory Loss. It's not a normal part of aging. There are plenty of elderly folks that have no problem with memory. There's an abundant amount of information available to address memory loss. How is nutrition affected by memory? Yes, I wrote that right. Read it again, then, continue. We need to remember to buy food, store it properly, prepare it, and eat it! Any of those steps could be and are forgotten. I've watched people go to their cupboard for food, find nothing they like, or nothing at all, and then return to their chair to watch t.v. and not eat! Foods go bad and are eaten anyway - things taste differently as we age. Thought goes into preparing food, what if you forgot how to make a sandwich? What if you forgot if you took your medicine, or if you thought you ate, but really took your medicine?

2. Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat. Vision dims, hearing is diminished, smells are different, there may be swallowing difficulties...mouth pain, tooth pain, dry mouth, and poor fitting dentures. How many times is nutrition for elderly provided in a can? Have you looked at the ingredients in those? Being milk based causes mucous production and increases difficulty with swallowing. Going out to eat is out of the question if you have trouble swallowing. Choking in public? No way! How and what do you eat if your mouth hurts? What if your dentures are loose? Do you see how eating may lose it's appeal?

3. Lets get to the stomach next. As we age, everything slows. It takes longer for foods to digest. Many times, sweets are eaten first because taste buds change. What about a glass of lemonade or sweet tea? They sure won't let you add salt to the food, so sugar it is. Then there's less food eaten because the stomach is filling quicker than it's emptying. Of course, you could always rely on that nutritionally inadequate can again.

4. Moving the food through the rest of the system, taking the nutrients out and expelling the waste, is slowed too. There's a higher percentage of 'transverse impaction' in the elderly than any other population. That means the food moves out of the stomach, into the top portion of the intestine, then just sits there and hardens. If it becomes an obstruction, label it critical!

5. What about that bladder? When your joints hurt, you don't want to get up to go to the bathroom. So, you drink less water. Water nourishes the cells, carries nutrients in and wastes out. When the elderly don't drink, they become dehydrated and toxic! Round and round we go, back to memory, which is affected when we are toxic. The first sign of dehydration in the elderly can be hallucinations!

6. Other issues are heart palpitations (causing weakness and "I just feel bad"), respiratory trouble (if you can't breathe, it's hard to eat), bone & joint pain (it takes too much effort to get to the table), and emotional changes (primarily depression).

Believe it or not, there is hope (beyond the can). Nutrition for elderly people, because of advanced technology, is as simple as giving candy to a baby. That's an old cliché, but it still works! Reducing the size of nutrients so they go straight into the cells, bypassing digestion is the key. The simple solution? It's called cellular nutrition. Here are the benefits:

Memory is one of the very first things that improve with regular use. For the first bit of time, remind someone to take the nutrition. Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and throat? No issue! Just put it in a glass of water to sip on. Hold it in your mouth or even spray it on your skin. The nutrition will get in there, it's cellular! Do not heat it up though; the heat will destroy the enzymes. Cellular nutrition doesn't need digestion, so the stomach is not an issue. Intestines will move better. Nutrition given to the cells of the body cause the body to eliminate wastes more efficiently. Both loose stools or constipation will benefit with balance! Yes, water is needed to get the nutrition into the cells, but just one glass a day will do that (even in divided amounts), so running to the bathroom isn't a problem. Then, when a body responds to the nutrition and heals, drinking more water won't be such a bother. In the elderly, metabolism is slower and often activity is less, so not as much water is needed.

All body systems are dependent on balanced nutrition. Anyone that takes prescriptions should tell their doctor about starting on a supplement so they can monitor them. It's common for physicians to have to reduce and eventually eliminate many prescription medications once a balanced nutrition is achieved! If your doctor won't work with you, find one that will. After all, you pay them, right? Get your money's worth!

Nutrition For the Elderly

Deb Shore is the author of the website http://www.change-your-healthstory.com She has helped hundreds of the "health challenged" create a new lifestyle through her online stories. If you're looking for a way to change your health story, check it out! Learn how to build your foundation of health through NUTRITION!

Nutrition and Foods to Conceive a Girl

If you've found this article, I have to suspect that you are trying to have a baby and would greatly prefer having a baby girl. You also probably know that eating and avoiding certain foods can alter your PH and acidity, making the vaginal environment more hostile to boy sperm, and therefore greatly increasing your odds of conceiving a girl. This article will discuss the foods to consume and avoid if you want a daughter. I'll also tell you how to find out your present PH level, so you'll know how far you have to alter and how long it will take. And, I'll outline other methods that can also encourage your having a female.

Changing PH And Acidity Through Foods To Get A Daughter: It is very possible to alter an alkaline body or to make an already acidic person much higher by avoiding and consuming certain foods. To conceive a girl, you'll need to alter your diet and nutrition to be high in calcium and magnesium, and low in sodium, potassium, and caffeine. Examples of foods that raise your PH are things like corn, beans, cranberries, blueberries, most meats, plums, eggs, wine, yogurt, sour cream, and fermented foods.


Knowing How Much You Need To Alter. Are You Naturally Acidic Or Alkaline?: You can make the process of creating a girl friendly environment easier by first testing with PH testing strips. This will tell you how far you have to go to reach your optimum level, how severe the diet / nutritional changes need to be, and how long this will take. These strips are available online or at some health food stores.

Nutrition and Foods to Conceive a Girl

No matter where you fall naturally, most women will need to make alternations by consuming certain foods and avoiding others. (Examples of foods to avoid are potatoes, bananas, watermelon, chocolate, etc.). Besides food, another way to change a vaginal environment that is more conducive to having a boy is by douching with specific solutions to make you acidic enough to be in the "girl fertility zone."

The Douche / Nutrition Combination Can Change PH Quickly To Get A Girl Baby: Although you absolutely can change your PH to the "girl zone" through only diet and nutrition, this sometimes takes a bit longer and demands stringent diligence and patience. (It is possible though, and tracking with the testing strips can help a lot.)

However, using a combination of douching and nutrition can make obtaining a hostile vaginal environment (conducive to producing a girl) quicker and easier. Gender clinics sell these douches for a lot of money, but there are recipes that allow you to do this at home in the same way that you will control what you eat at home.

I understand that not all women are willing to douche, but if you can warm up to this idea, you can generally get results a bit quicker. (You absolutely can get results only using foods, but you'll need to be a bit more diligent about it, especially if you have an alkaline reading.)

I hope this article has demonstrated that being careful about nutrition and consuming acidic foods are one of the ways you can alter your PH to increase your odds of conceiving a girl. But, this is just once piece of the puzzle. You'll also need to accurately time conception before ovulation and use the correct, applicable intercourse / sexual positions that will discourage boy sperm and make way for resilient, healthy girl sperm, all of which can stack the odds in your favor for getting the daughter that you want.

Nutrition and Foods to Conceive a Girl

Conceive A Girl is a website that offers hints, tips, and resources (including sources for food lists, PH testing strips, and the gender clinic douche recipes mentioned in this article), for couples wishing to conceive a baby girl. Visit us at http://how-to-conceive-a-baby-girl.blogspot.com/

Sports Nutrition & Health - 5 Foods All Athletes Should Eat

There are several foods all athletes should eat in the days before an event to ensure peak performance. They include:

1. Whole grains-whole grain food such as cereal, bagels, pasta, and bread give good,long-lasting energy to the whole body. As the most important food group, athletes should eat many whole grain carbohydrates before an event.


2. Peanut butter-peanut butter is a good source of protein and essential fats, and it is easy to carry and eat on the go. Other protein sources will work as well, such as lean meat or dairy; the important thing is to get adequate protein before and after a work out. Protein helps the body in maintaining aerobic metabolism instead of anaerobic metabolism, which prevents the body from taking protein from lean tissue. Adequate protein speeds recovery and helps in actual performance situations.

Sports Nutrition & Health - 5 Foods All Athletes Should Eat

3. Fresh fruits and Vegetables-fresh produce is a great way to get vitamins and minerals that help the body function as normal. They are usually fat-free and contain lots of energy for the body to use during exercise. Some fruits, such as bananas, contain potassium, a mineral that regulates water levels in the body and stabilizes muscle contraction. Low potassium levels can lead to muscle cramps and fatigue, so eating potassium-rich foods is a good idea. However, it is important to regulate potassium intake, because too much too quickly can lead to a heart attack. Athletes should take in 435 milligrams of potassium for every hour they exercise. While potassium does not aid in actual performance, it speeds recovery and should be considered as one of the most important supplements to an exercise program.

Another benefit of fruits and vegetables is iron. Chick peas, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, apricots, and figs are all good sources of iron, a nutrient that prevents fatigue, headaches, lack of stamina, and boosts the immune system. Athletes are generally at risk for anemia, having too little iron in the blood, because of the amount iron used in exercise. Recommended daily intakes are 6-11 milligrams, a number easily attained by eating leafy green vegetables or foods rich in vitamin C.

4. Calcium-Rich Foods-foods such as cheese, yogurt, and milk contain necessary calcium, which creates strong bones and protects athletes from injury. These dairy products are also a good source of protein, but they should be eaten well before an event, as they take some time to process. If the body does not tolerate dairy well, supplements should be included to ensure that athletes receive the recommended daily intake of 1000 milligrams. As an example, a cup of skim milk provides about 300 milligrams of calcium.

5. Fiber-Rich Foods-Fiber is the nutritional component that keeps athletes full and regulates the digestive tract. Many of the foods already mentioned include fiber, but it is important for coaches to know which foods help athletes regulate fiber levels. Examples of fiber-rich foods include whole grains, apples, berries, almonds, and legumes. A simple way to determine the necessary amount of fiber is to add 5 to the athlete's age. For example, a 10-year-old athlete needs about 15 grams of fiber daily. After the age of 15, athletes need 20-25 grams of fiber a day.

Sports Nutrition & Health - 5 Foods All Athletes Should Eat

Kenny Buford spent years playing baseball at the college level. Today, he coaches 3 youth development teams and shares his extensive coaching knowledge on his blog, you can visit him here: http://www.baseball-tutorials.com

Kalonji Oil - History, Nutrition, Benefits & Uses

Both Kalonji oil and seed are equally good but kalonji oil is preffered over seeds as it is 35to 50% more potent and convenient to use

Kalonji oil is made from truly a remarkable herb called nigella sativa, popularly known as Black cumin or Black seed.


Kalonji is known around the world by many names because of its ancient popular history and medicinal value viz: black caraway, roman coriander, carvi (french), schwarzkummel (german), kalonji (Hindi/urdu), kezah(Hebrew) chernushka (Russian), corek-otu(Turkish), habbat-albarakah or habbatus-sauda (Arabic) siyah daneh (Persian) etc.

Kalonji Oil - History, Nutrition, Benefits & Uses

Kalonji is sometimes misleadingly confused with similar looking onion seed and black sesame, both of which are totally unrelated and deffinately are not the same.


Kalonji seeds have been found in several sites from ancient Egypt, including Tutankhamun's tomb. Although its exact role in Egyptian culture is unknown, it is known that items entombed with a pharaoh were carefully selected to assist him in the after life.

The earliest written reference to N. sativa is thought to be in the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament where the reaping of nigella and wheat is contrasted (Isaiah 28: 25, 27). Easton's Bible dictionary states that the Hebrew word ketsah refers to without doubt to N. sativa (although not all translations are in agreement)

In Islam, it is regarded as one of the greatest forms of healing medicine available. Muhammad (S.A.W.) once stated that the black seed can heal every disease-except death-as recounted in the following hadith:

[Sahih Muslim: Book 26 Kitab As-Salam, Number 5489]

It is also included in the list of natural drugs of 'Tibb-e-Nabavi', or "Medicine of the Prophet (Muhammad)(S.A.W.)", according to the tradition "hold onto the use of the black seeds for in it is healing for all diseases except death" (Sahih Bukhari vol. 7 book 71 # 592).

Nutritional Components of Kalonji

Kalonji contains over 100 valuable nutrients. It is comprised of approximately 21% protein, 38% carbohydrates, and 35% plant fats and oils. The active ingredients of Kalonji are nigellone, thymoquinone, and fixed oils.

Kalonji contains significant proportions of protein, carbohydrates and essential unsaturated fatty acids, namely linoleic acid and gamma linolenic acid(omega3 &6), which are essential for a healty immune system other than calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, niacin, and vitamin C.

Nigellon semohiprepinon is an effective treatment of bronchial asthma and respiratory allergies because of its ability to expand and relax the air ways. It also reduces the release of histamines into the bloodstream and thus works against allergic reactions.

Another active ingredient of kalonji isThymohydrochionon, also acts as an antihistamine and pain reliever.

Use of kalonji helps in synthesis of prostaglandin E1. Prostaglandin E1 suppresses the release of allergic messenger substances and harmonizes the immune system. During the course of long term use the body's defence mechanism stops its excess activity and regains its balance. This ameliorates ailments caused by allergic hyper-reactions, such as asthma, hay fever, and eczema

Long-term supplementation with Kalonji can reduce allergic symptoms greatly

It has been traditionally used for a variety of conditions and treatments related to respiratory health, stomach and intestinal health, kidney and liver function, circulatory and immune system support, as analgesic, antiinflammatory, antiallergic, antioxidants, anticancer, antiviral and for general well-being

Scientific research

Thymoquinone and pancreatic cancer treatment

Researchers at the Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia have found that thymoquinone, an extract of nigella sativa seed oil, blocked pancreatic cancer cell growth and killed the cells by enhancing the process of programmed cell death, (apoptosis). While the studies are in the early stages, the findings suggest that thymoquinone could eventually have some use as a preventative strategy in patients who have gone through surgery and chemotherapy or in individuals who are at a high risk of developing cancer.

"The seeds are also rich in sterols, especially beta-sitosterol, which is known to have anticarcinogenic activity."

- Dr. Michael Tierra L.AC. O.M.D

Black Seed stimulates bone marrow and immune cells and raises the interferon production, protects normal cells against cell destroying effects of viruses, destroys tumor cells and raises the number of anti-bodies producing B cells.. U.S. Patents Sections, Antiviral Agents Bulletin #5,482,711

Black Seed proves to have an anti histamine, ant-oxidant, anti=biotic, anti-mycotic and broncho-dilating effect. Cancer Immuno-biology Laboratory, South Carolina

Black Seed is valuable source of protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, C and niacin as well as minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron magnesium & zinc Study of Black Seed oil on humans, American Scientists

Kalonji /Black seed/oil uses/home remedies

Cough and Asthma Mix a teaspoon of Kalonji Oil in boiling water and inhale the vapors twice a day. Half a teaspoon (2.5 ml) of Kalonji Oil mixed in a cup of warm water and a tablespoon of honey is also to be given twice daily in the morning and evening. Continue the treatment for 40 days

Dry Cough 2.5 ml Kalonji Oil should be mixed in coffee and given twice a day before meals.

High Chloestrol Give 2.5 ml Kalonji Oil mixed with hot milk daily in the mornings (only once a day). This dissolves fats and dilates veins and arteries

Headache and Ear ache Apply Kalonji Oil on the forehead, sides of the face adjacent to the ears and behind the ears and then bandage the forehead. Give 2.5 ml Kalonji twice a day and continue for 3 days.

Loss of Hair & Premature Graying. Scrub the scalp thoroughly with lemon, leave it for 15 minutes. Wash with water and shampoo after thoroughly drying, Thereafter apply Kalonji Oil to the scalp. Repeat for one week and the loss of hair will stop completely. Kalonji Oil stops falling of hair, and gives a new life to dry, damage, dull unmanageable hairs and prevents premature graying of hair. Use continuously for one month.

Weak Eyesight. Take half a teaspoon of Kalonji Oil along with a cup of carrot juice twice a day before meals. For weak eyesight continue the treatment for about 6 months

Backache and Rheumatic pain Mix 2,5 ml Kalonji Oil with one spoon of vinegar and a tablespoon of honey and take this mixture in the morning before breakfast and at night after dinner. Continue the treatment for 40 days.

Nausea/Vomiting Take half tsp of fresh ginger juice mixed with equal amount of Kalonji Oil, twice a day.

Toothache Mix half teaspoon (2.5 ml) of Kalonji Oil with warm water and gargle. Apply oil on the affected tooth, it will alleviate pain quickly

Nervous Tension/ Stress 2.5 ml of Kalonji Oil with a cup of tea twice a day before meals makes you calm down and eliminates all symptoms of tension.

General Weakness & Lethargy/Ed Take half teaspoon (2.5 ml) of Kalonji Oil with one cup orange juice in the morning for ten days.

For Improvement of of Memory Take half a teaspoon of Kalonji Oil mixed with 10 gms. of boiled mint twice a day before meals for 20 days.

Diabetes Mix 2.5 ml of Kalonji Oil in a cup of Black Tea and drink in the morning before breakfast and at night after dinner. Continue the treatment till sugar level becomes normal.

Dyspepsia, Acidity & Stomachache

A cup of milk mixed with a teapoon (5 ml) of Kalonji Oil to be taken two times a day for 5 days.

Restful Sleep 2.5 ml Kalonji Oil mixed in a hot drink after supper gives a quiet sleep all through the night.

Leucorrhoea, Amenorrhoea and PMS Take 1 g dried mint leaves and boil in 2 glasses of water till one cup of water is left. Put half teaspoon of Kalonji Oil and give on an empty stomach in the morning and at night. Continue the treatment for 40 days.

Piles and Constipation Mix 2.5 ml of Kalonji Oil in a cup of Black Tea and drink in the morning before breakfast and at night after dinner.

Obesity Mix 2.5 ml of Kalonji Oil and a tablespoon of honey in lukewarm water and drink in the morning before breakfast and at night after dinner

Burning Sensation Mix 2.5 ml Kalonji Oil in one cup of Sweet Lime Juice and drink in the morning before breakfast and at night after dinner.Continue the treatment for 10 days.

Psoriasis Mix 50 ml Kalonji Oil with 60 ml Lemon Juice and apply on the affected area..

Burning in Urine Mix 2.5 ml Kalonji Oil and 10 ml Honey in 250 ml milk and drink twice a day.

Half tsp(2.5 ml) daily with pure honey two times a day is good for general health

Kalonji Oil - History, Nutrition, Benefits & Uses

Boron Citrate Nutrition

Boron Citrate, the fifth chemical element, is also is a trace nutrients found primarily in fruits and vegetables Prunes, grapes and raisins, dates, apples, pears, grains and soybeans, almonds and other nuts, and unprocessed honey all contain boron.

Boron citrate, when taken in the recommended dosage of from 3 milligrams to 9 milligrams daily, has a variety of benefits.


Boron citrate, by activating Vitamin D and estrogen, helps prevent or alleviate the effects of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women

Boron Citrate Nutrition

Boron, by increasing cognition, may prevent memory loss and be valuable in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. It has also been known to relieve the symptoms of arthritis.

Boron citrate is available in 3 milligram capsules and 3 milligram and 6 milligram tablets. Although safe when taken at the recommended doses, boron can, in amounts over 500 mg, cause side effects, including loss of appetite and digestive problems.

Acute boron toxicity produces nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal cramping.
Chronic toxicity also causes nausea diarrhea, poor appetite and weight loss.

Boron deficiency contributes to Vitamin D deficiency which can lead to brain wave alteration, arthritis and joint swelling. While boron deficiencies are relatively rare, you should consult your doctor, who can provide you with the appropriate information and support, if you think you are suffering either from a deficiency or overdose of boron.

And if you are thinking of including a Boron Citrate supplement in your nutritional regime, your doctor will work with you to find a vitamin and supplement regimen that is just right for you. Don't make any changes until you consult with him or her. And, to prevent negative interactions, let your doctor know of any illnesses you have or have had, and all medications (including over the counter) that you are taking.

The comprehensive nutrient supplement Total Balance contains Boron Citrate, and over seventy other necessary nutrients. Total Balance, produced by the New Zealand company Xtend-life Natural Products, possesses a Certificate of Analysis guaranteeing its potency.

Xtend-life also maintains pharmaceutical GMP compliance, the world's strictest manufacturing standards for dietary supplements, and use only standardized herbal extracts, containing the herb's active ingredients, in their formulas.

Xtend Life has the best money back guarantee for nutrient supplements which is a full year with an entire refund with no questions asked.

Xtend-life offers timely delivery, reasonable shipping costs and a generous one-full-year, no questions asked money back guarantee

To avoid serious problems with your prescription medications, consult with your doctor before you begin to include this, or any new supplement or over-the-counter medication, in your diet.

Boron Citrate Nutrition

The product we personally use called Total Balance, which contains Boron Citrate - http://www.natural-nutritional-health-supplement.com is the best supplement we have come across. We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results.

We highly reccomend you learn more about our best natural nutritional supplement if you are interested in improving your overall health.

John Gibb runs a series of health websites, We offer a free health book for subscribers to our websites newsletter. We cover everything you need to know on nutrition and how to improve your general overall health. Check out our nutrition e-book, for more information on our nutrition book.

What Nutrition Does a Tomato Have?

Tomatoes provide the body with lycopene, a valuable source of nutrition. Lycopene has shown that it prevents damage to the cells causing cancers of many types. These include colon cancer, prostate cancer prevention, and also breast cancers. It is the folate mineral inside of a tomato that helps to ward off these cancers.

Vitamins C and A are also present in the tomato. Vitamin C is one vitamin that protects us from free radicals, which are those compounds that destroy cells that are healthy. Free radicals tear away at the immune system, and therefore promote viruses and other illnesses we don't want. Vitamin A on the other hand, plays a role in helping to improve your eyesight, as well as helping to strengthen your immunity from colds and flus. One cup of a natural tomato provides you with over 50 percent of vitamin C and right around 20 percent of your vitamin A.


Tomatoes are also strong in niacin, which is a vitamin that is water soluble. Niacin lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, so a healthy low fat diet that is rich in tomato sources should significantly lower your blood lipid levels.

What Nutrition Does a Tomato Have?

Potassium is a mineral that your body needs in order to live. This mineral also has a lot to do with helping your nerves function properly right along with giving the proper strength to your body's muscles. Your risk of hypertension is also lessened through eating potassium rich foods. Tomatoes are a food that can provide you with a great potassium source along with bananas. They provide at least 10 percent of your daily requirement.

Tomatoes carry chromium too. Chromium is a mineral which helps to lower your blood sugar levels as well as certain types of migraine headaches.

Tomato juice helps with blood clotting. This is due to the fact that tomato juice has some unique properties which help to thin the blood and keep the platelets from sticking together.

Lastly, tomatoes contain vitamin K. Vitamin K is helpful to bone health since they provide about 19 percent of what your body needs daily. What vitamin K does is stimulate the action of osteocalcin. Osteocalcin is what makes up most of the bone's protein that is not collagen related. The osteocalcin levels that you have in your body will then attach itself to your bones, and hence, causes calcium to work in your favor.

What Nutrition Does a Tomato Have?

Jennifer Kirkman is the owner of many websites, two of the main ones are http://www.diabetesandrelatedhealthissues.com, and also [http://www.dietplansandweightloss.com]. Visit these sites for much more information on diabetes and diabetes problems, and proper nutrition.

Baseball Specific Exercises and Nutrition

I always found that it was so difficult to find baseball specific exercises. Now here is a perfect workout program for someone who is striving to be a professional baseball player. This workout program was developed through the experience of a college baseball player, and with the help of a professional baseball player

Sweet Workout Program
Warmup: Stretch lightly 5 minutes


Jumping Rope 2 minutes
Day 1: Legs (Monday)

Baseball Specific Exercises and Nutrition

Squat 3x8 Walking Lunge 2x10

Dead Lift 3x8 Crunches 3x

Leg Curl 3x10 Obliques 3x

Leg Extension 3x10 Forearms & Calves 3x
Day 2: Chest & Arms (Tuesday)

Bench (dumbbells) 3x10 Skull Crushers 3x10

Close-Grip Bench 3x10 Tricep Pushbacks 3x

Tricep Pushdowns 3x10 Forearms 3x
Day 3: Shoulders & Back (Thursday)

Bent Rows 3x10 Super 12's 3x

Back Extension 3x10 Seated Rows 3x10

Wide-Grip Pulldown 3x10 Cuban Press 2x8
Day 4: Legs (light) (Friday)

Squat 3x10 Calves 3x

Leg Press 3x10 Forearms 3x

Barbell Step-Up 2x10 Abs 3x

Post Workout: Stretch 10 Minutes
Run in Place 1 min One foot in front (switch) 15 sec
Knees to Chest 15 sec Single Leg Hop 10 sec
Heels to Buttocks 15 sec Run in Place 1 min
Run in Place 1 min Knees to Chest 5-10
Spread and Close Feet 15 sec Run in Place 1 min

Day 1: Upper Body (Wednesday)
Overhead Throws w/ Med Ball 3x10
Catch & Throw 3x10
Side to Side w/ Med Ball 3x10
Explosion Pushups 3x12
8 Sprints 2 Buildups, 6 Full

Day 2: Lower Body (Saturday)
Vertical Jumps 3x10
Tuck Jumps 3x10
Jumps On Box 3x15
Jumps Over Box 3x15
Ladders 5 Different Sequences
Jump Rope 5 min Both, Single, Alternate

Important Notes to Remember:

-Prior to workout, go with more of a dynamic warmup with getting your blood flowing
-Post workout is more of a static stretching


Instead of trying to stuff yourself three times a day, it is much more useful to space your meals out into smaller portions 6 meals/day and can prevent the storing of body fat. Certain supplements also help baseball related activities.


Protein: Protein molecules make up certain enzymes and hormones and serve as important regulators in your body. They help maintain your blood pressure, blood sugar level, and your metabolism. Most protein foods of animal origin such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, and milk, contain all of the essential amino acids and are therefore called complete proteins.

Glutamine: According to Ronald Klatz, MD, President of the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine in Chicago, "Glutamine promotes the assimilation of nutrients, regulates protein synthesis, stimulates growth-hormone production and enhances the immune system."

Creatine: Creatine is a natural constituent of meat, mainly found in red meat. Creatine is used for the resynthesis of ATP. ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is the "power" that drives muscular energetics.

Glucosamine & Chondroitin: Glucosamine is an aminomonosaccharide naturally occurring in the human body and is produced naturally in the body by chondrocytes in cartilage to help maintain and build healthy joint tissue. This can be very helpful late in the baseball season because all baseball players know how worn down our joints can get.

Multivitamin: For the human body to perform at its maximum potential, it must be fed a vast and complex array of vital nutrients.

ZMA: ZMA is a scientifically designed anabolic mineral formula. It contains Zinc Monomethionine Aspartate plus Magnesium Aspartate and vitamin B-6, and is an all-natural product that has been clinically proven to significantly increase anabolic hormone levels and muscle strength in trained athletes.

Nutrition Plan:

Early Morning:
Water and Glutamine(5-10 grams)

Cereal or Oatmeal
Fruit(Banana, Apple)

Mid Morning:
Protein Powder (20-30 grams)
Fruit (Banana, Apple)

Sandwich(Whole wheat, Turkey or beef)

Mid Afternoon:
Granola Bar
Fruit(Blueberries or Rasberries)
Low fat yogurt
Orange Juice

2 glasses of water

Post Workout:
Protein(20-30 grams)
Cranberry Juice
Creatine(5 grams)

Vegetable(corn, beans, broccoli)

Glutamine (5-10 grams)

This nutritional plan is flexible, but is a basis for how much protein, carbs and fats you should maintain throughout the day. I hope this is a good workout and nutritional program for you.

Baseball Specific Exercises and Nutrition

I am a division 1 college baseball player. I have also worked out with a number of minor and major league baseball players who have given me input on the many exercises that they are required to do.

Fitness And Nutrition For Health

In the age which we live there is an unprecedented focus on getting and staying healthy. As more and more research points to the effect of fitness and nutrition on our overall health, the findings become more difficult to ignore. There is no doubt that the food that we eat and the physical activity that we perform significantly impact our weight and our body's overall health and longevity.

When you look at fitness and nutrition and the consequences of ignoring their importance, it is not difficult to see how large a role they play in our health. First and foremost, it is important to understand how powerfully diet can affect us. Natural, whole foods - such as fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins - give our bodies the vitamins that it needs to function effectively. We have energy when we eat right. And when we have energy we burn fat. Eating properly allows us to maintain a healthy weight and keep undue stress off of our hearts; it also allows us to keep our blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the healthy range. Most importantly, good nutrition keeps our bodies stocked with antioxidants that fight off a range of illnesses including cancer.


But nutrition does go it alone; fitness and nutrition go hand in hand for achieving good health. When we keep our bodies active through a consistent exercise program, we are adding to our body's ability to metabolize food and keep weight down. Further, good fitness means strong and limber muscles and a strong cardiovascular system. Exercise also lowers blood pressure and reduces stress levels.

Fitness And Nutrition For Health

Learning how to pair fitness and nutrition for optimum health means a commitment to a particular lifestyle. It is essential that you revamp your diet to eliminate fatty, high-sodium, and processed food and replace it with fresh, natural - and even organic - choices. But remember, fitness and nutrition work best as a team. Implement a consistent regime of physical activity into your daily schedule including cardiovascular work, stretching, weight training, and even yoga or Pilates.

When you truly understand the importance of fitness and nutrition in your life, you will understand how crucial these lifestyle changes are in order to live a long and healthy life.

Fitness And Nutrition For Health

For easy to understand, in depth information about fitness and nutrition visit our ezGuide 2 Nutrition.