Nutrition for the Barrel Horse

Nutrition is very important when it comes to barrel horses. They should not be fed the same as a horse that stays in a pasture and gets ridden a few times a month. Barrel horses are athletes and need adequate nutrition.



All horses need roughage either in the form of grass or hay. Some horses may need both if there is little grass or the grass has low nutritional value. Roughage should make up most of the horse's diet. Feed comes second and should be used to balance the diet. The best way to determine what your horse needs is by having the veterinarian run blood tests once a year to see if your horse is deficient in any way. Testing your hay is also a good way to know exactly what your horse is getting. Take a sample of your hay to an agricultural extension office and they can usually have it tested for free. This gives you a list of all of the qualities and nutritional value in your hay. From there, take the blood tests from your veterinarian and determine what kind of feed and supplements are needed.

Nutrition for the Barrel Horse

Good quality grass hay is the best hay to use for most of your horse's diet. Alfalfa can be fed, but is much higher in protein and can not be fed in large amounts like grass hay. One or two flakes of alfalfa hay can be fed per day compared to three or four flakes of grass hay. If you choose to feed alfalfa hay along with grass hay, you won't need as much grain. Also, if your feed is a lower percentage feed, like 10%, alfalfa can be fed to make up the difference needed in your barrel horse.


Feed is a part of a barrel horse's fuel along with quality hay. Barrel horses are ridden a lot and need energy and stamina when on the road and when training at home. A feed with 10% - 12% protein is good for a mature barrel horse, but is not adequate for a futurity barrel horse. Younger horses need a higher percentage, such as 14% - 16%. This doesn't mean you need a different feed, but the percentage should be gotten through other natural sources such as alfalfa. Always follow the feeding recommendations on the bag as to how much to feed each horse. Feed should be fed by weight. Each horse needs a different amount of feed according to their weight and performance level.

Feed can be found in the form of grains and pellets. Know what is in the feed before making a decision for your barrel horse. Many feed manufacturers today offer comparable feeds in both grain mix and pellet forms. Plain oats are not adequate for a barrel horse. A barrel horse needs more fuel than plain oats can offer. Choose a grain or pellet with a good protein percentage and one that is easily digestible. Pellet feeds were not easily digestible until recently. They are now made to be broken down easily once eaten. This reduces the chance of colic and other digestive problems. Some horses may prefer a sweet grain mix because of the taste, but can usually be slowly switched to a pellet feed if you find that is the better choice for you.


Supplements are very common in the barrel horse industry. There is a supplement available for just about every thing. From hooves and coat to energy and weight builders, supplements can play a large part in your horse's every day diet.

Choosing a supplement should be a decision made after talking to your veterinarian about your horse, not using the newest thing on the market because a top barrel racer endorses the product. Supplements that are not needed usually won't hurt, but can get very expensive. Supplements that claim to make your horse a better performer, faster or able to win more are simply not true. Every horse will react slightly different with different supplements.

Providing your horse with a balanced diet is the start of a good barrel racing routine. Good nutrition gives your horse the edge he needs to perform to the best of his abilities.

Nutrition for the Barrel Horse

Ron Petracek - Raised in southern Idaho, Ron loves horses and the outdoors. If you would like to join in and learn from the vast resources at our equine forum please visit Looking to buy sell or trade something equine related? Just visit our huge network and get 12 sites for Free! Click here =>

Nutrition - Some Nutrition Facts and Signs of Lack of Nutrition

Do you know if you are lack of nutrition? This could be the question that most people are concerned about but cannot answer. In fact, our body will send out signals when we do not have enough nutrition; thus, it is good we know what these signals are and what they mean.

Bleeding gum and skin ecchymosis
Most likely is due to lack of vitamin C. Should take in more fresh fruits and vegetables daily; best to take in about 500 gram of vegetables and 2 to 3 fruits everyday. As cooking can damage nutrition and enzyme, ideally, take in these vegetables as salad. Some vitamin C rich vegetables are pea sprouts, cabbages, and green peppers. Fruits with high vitamin C contents are oranges, lemons, strawberries, and persimmons.


Chapped mouth and lips
Most likely is due to lack of vitamin B2 and B3. Chicken egg yolk and milk are rich in B2. It is ideal to drink 250 ml of milk and take 1 chicken egg daily. Mushrooms and nuts are rich in B3.

Nutrition - Some Nutrition Facts and Signs of Lack of Nutrition

Deteriorating taste buds
Lack of zinc can be the main reason. Take more apple, egg, tofu, soybean, cabbage, peanut, and walnut.

Dried hair, hair loss, hair breakage, muscle atrophy
If it is muscle atrophy concern, most likely is caused by lack of protein and calorie. If it is related to hair problems mentioned above, it can mean the body is lack of protein, calorie, fatty acid, and zinc. Take more sea water fish, eggs, and milk.

Glossitis - tongue diseases
Insufficient vitamin B complex can be the root cause. There are various kind of vitamins under Vitamin B complex: vitamin B 15, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B10, B11, B12, B13, B15, B17, Bc, Bt, and Bx. Some examples of vitamin B complex food source are whole-grain cereals, brown rice, green leafy vegetables, potatoes, and peanuts.

Dried skin and poor night vision
Main reason can be due to insufficient vitamin A. Take more carrots. As vitamin A is soluble in oil but not water, it is an amazing fact that stir frying carrot with tinge of vegetable oil allows vitamin A to be absorbed into body more easily than eating carrot as raw.

Nutrition - Some Nutrition Facts and Signs of Lack of Nutrition

Many of us know the importance of nutrition during pregnancy. However, most of us often ignore on the importance of nutrition before pregnancy, which lack of nutrition during this phase can result in defects of newborns. Follow the link for information on getting good health naturally.

Nutrition, Dieting and the "New" Middle Age

You've heard all the talk about how 50 is the "new" 30 and 60 is the "new" 40, haven't you? It would be great to believe this to be true, and in many ways, it is. Since I'm 52 (well, almost done being 52), I do feel strong, healthy and think I can run around, eat and drink like I'm still 32. But I also had my first child at 32, and I promise you, I am certainly NOT interested in seeing that type of activity at any "new" age.

One of the reasons for this type of hype is that the media is saying what we want to hear. Who wants to hear about being old? I'm still having trouble rolling the words "Middle aged" over my lips. But the reality is-I am 52, I'm not 32. To paraphrase Dr. Seuss, my body is in pretty good shape, for the shape that it's in. But my nutrient needs are changing, as is my body, and I must be realistic about accepting those changes.


As a nutritionist, I know I have to pay more attention to the types of foods I eat. There are many nutrients found in whole foods, and I will almost always recommend folks eat the whole food rather than take the supplement. This is because most of the time, there are other components in the food that make the body absorb the nutrient of interest more efficiently.

Nutrition, Dieting and the "New" Middle Age

One nutrient in particular I'd like to discuss is calcium. We must make sure we're getting enough calcium as we...mature. I know, as least for me, my bones won't stay as strong as they used to without an effort on my part. Since I don't lift weights (actually, my neck strains when I carry heavy bags of food into the house), to reduce my risk for bone disease I need to make sure I get enough calcium.

Dairy products are probably the best way to get calcium into your system. I recommend low fat dairy, especially if weight is a concern for you. One percent milk is sufficient if you like milk and want to watch your weight. I have heard skim milk referred to as "blue water" once too many times to ever recommend it to anyone. Besides, the difference between skim and 1% is only 18 calories-and for many people; those 18 calories, for some reason, make a big difference in taste.

Also, dairy products contain other substances that help the body absorb calcium more efficiently. Lactose, also known as milk sugar, helps increase the body's ability to use calcium. For people who are lactose intolerant, low lactose milk is just as good. It simply contains a different form of lactose, and is easier to tolerate.

For many reason, lots of people don't like, or can't consume, dairy products. There certainly are other food alternatives for calcium, including enriched soy products, and greens such as kale and chard. Sometimes the calcium in vegetables products isn't always available to our bodies, because it is tied up with other plant chemicals in the food, and our systems can't use it.

This is where calcium supplements come in. Don't forget, these pills do not REPLACE good eating, they are to SUPPLEMENT your diet? However, since calcium is one particularly tricky nutrient for many people, especially women, to consume, supplements may be a good alternative.

There are many different types of supplements on the market. The two major types are: calcium carbonate and calcium citrate. Calcium carbonate tends to be less expensive, but it needs to be consumed WITH meals, and for some folks, it may cause constipation. The calcium chews contain calcium carbonate. Many people like this supplement, but you must only take one at a time. First of all, chew contains 500 mg-which is the maximum the body can absorb at one time. Second of all, if you start popping these like candy, you will find yourself in the market for a strong laxative! So be sure to watch how much you take at one time.

Calcium citrate is the other popular calcium supplement. This type of calcium can be consumed anytime of day and it is not constipating. However, it may be more expensive. As with the calcium carbonate, don't consume more than 500 mg at a time, b/c, again, that's all your body can handle at one time. Sometimes these tables come in 300 mg doses. If you only are able to take them once/day, then go ahead and take 2, understanding your body won't be using the entire amount.

Again, if you are able to get all your calcium from foods, great. But as we, shall we say, mature, our bodies change, and many of us can't handle dairy products like we used to. A good substitute is calcium supplements.

Now, if I could figure out what to take for my, my,,,memory issues, THEN I'd be in great shape!

Nutrition, Dieting and the "New" Middle Age

For additional information on becoming At Peace With Food™, including free healthy lifestyle tips and links to nutrition resource websites, visit=>

Purisalv Chia Seeds Reviews - Does Premium Chia Nutrition Work?

To many people, enjoying life to the fullest and staying ahead in today's modern competitive society means having to burn unwanted fat and to be fit respectively. That said, it is always wise to try to make use of safe and natural means in order to be beautiful and fit. As you will discover in this segment of Purisalv reviews, it is certainly possible to shed unwanted pounds and attain long lasting weight control in a safe manner by making use of a natural solution that is also extremely nutritious.

Product Ingredients


Found in Guatemala and Mexico, chia seeds or Salvica Hispanica is a mint-resembling plant that is a key ingredient in the organic and natural formulation of Purisalv Chia Nutrition. The Mexicans have traditionally been making use of chia seeds for energy drinks as well as to treat ailing patients over the years. This is because of the abundance of amino acids, anti oxidants and protein found in essential oils that are the result of grinding such seeds. The seeds also exhibit hunger suppressant properties due to the synergistic effects of its dietary fibre and omega-3 content. They also help you to get smooth and glowing skin where your body further benefits with enhanced energy from its supply of low fat nutrients.

Purisalv Chia Seeds Reviews - Does Premium Chia Nutrition Work?

Benefits of Purisalv Premium Chia Nutrition

If you have been wondering whether this product can effectively and safely contribute to your health, this review will help you better understand why it can do so. This is because unlike damaging and dehydrating miracle slimming offerings, there has been no reported side effects such as nauseatic tendencies or jittery nervous disposition. You additionally do not have to go through what consumers of slimming solutions that contain harmful chemicals may experience i.e. painful headaches and sleeplessness. Furthermore, your digestive and other body systems will not be harmed by the clinically tested ingredients of this organic verified product.

With Purisalv Chia Seeds as part of your daily diet, you will find it easier to stick to low carbohydrate, fat free and high protein meals designed to help you achieve your desired look. Its gel like formation works hard to stop fat and complex starches from getting absorbed into your body. Your endurance and resistance will also improve with the product's ability to enhance your immune system and cleanse body toxins. Furthermore, you can experience extra and faster burning of calories along with metabolic increases with the help of this product.

Based on the above, it would seem that an attractive and healthy figure is a possible outcome by taking premium chia nutrition. Your confidence will soar with renewed vigor and energy that comes about with improved eating habits and other benefits offered by the product. And experiencing a positive effect within weeks is not far fetched judging by the user testimonials published by the merchant.

Purisalv Chia Seeds Reviews - Does Premium Chia Nutrition Work?

However, before you buy Purisalv, you are encouraged to read an indepth Purisalv Reviews report that include looking at reviews and feedbacks by users that are found on third party websites / forums (if any). You can find such a report at:

Cracker Barrel Nutrition

Trying to eat out while also eating healthy at the same time can be incredibly difficult. You need to remember to count all of the calories and other factors such as fat and sodium content whether you're eating from the comfort of your own home in a meal prepared by you or if you end up going out you may need to utilize resources that provide Cracker Barrel nutrition facts. It is still possible to eat healthy when you're dining at a restaurant although many people aren't aware of this fact.

One downfall to this is when you eat at a restaurant that does not provide their nutritional information to guests while eating in store or even on their websites as well. Cracker Barrel nutrition facts are not released to the public so guesses can be made on what their exact calorie, fat, sodium, and carbohydrate contents are. Healthy options can be chosen as alternatives to the traditional foods that are offered on the menu.


Some of these options are choosing turkey in place of other meats in many of the dishes offered, eating a salad, diet sodas are offered instead of their sugary counterparts, skim and low fat milk options, and many fat free dressings are also offered to individuals dining as well. Their nutrition is also made healthier by the fact that no calorie sweeteners are available instead of sugar, boiled instead of fried food is offered, and there is no added MSG to any of the food prepared.

Cracker Barrel Nutrition

Those are just a few of the steps that are taken by the company to ensure that Cracker Barrel nutrition that is offered is just as, if not healthier, than many other restaurants that you may choose to eat at while deciding to dine out for the evening with friends or family.

Cracker Barrel Nutrition

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