Gout Nutrition

Perhaps the most infuriatingly difficult part about having to suffer gout is the seemingly endless list of food you are not allowed to eat. Certain diseases like hypertension, diabetes, and of course, gout, require special diets that should be strictly followed. Gout is an acute form of arthritis that is caused by the crystallization of excess uric acid in the soft tissue of the joints. One can get uric acid from many different kinds of food. This article will guide gout sufferers on which foods are safe to eat and which ones that should be avoided.

Gout-friendly foods


Fruits are very good for people with gout. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits, especially cherries. Drink its juice as well. Cherry juice has been reported to decrease the levels of uric acid in the blood, but there are still no official findings of its therapeutic effect. Fruits high in vitamin C like orange, lemon, and grapefruit are highly recommended. Complex carbohydrates should come from brown rice and whole wheat bread. Protein-rich foods like fish and lean meat like chicken breast are allowed. Soy products are a great source of protein, too. Water is the best beverage for gout sufferers. High water intake is necessary to flush out any excess uric acid from the bloodstream. Drinking eight to twelve (or more) glasses of water is highly advisable.

Avoid these at all costs

Unfortunately, there are many foods that people with gout should avoid. Red meat, organ meat, and shellfish are off the menu so pass up on the steak, baked oysters, and sausages whose casing is actually intestine. Steer clear of spinach, cauliflower, legumes, and beans because they are all notorious for causing a rise in uric acid levels. Alcohol intake should be regulated, or if possible, eliminated completely. Intake of simple sugars, oil, and salt should also be controlled. Removing all these foods from one's diet may be difficult, but if it means being able to walk normally and free from gout pain, then it may be worth it.

Gout Nutrition

Gout provides detailed information on Causes Of Gout, Foods That Cause Gout, Gout, Gout Home Remedy and more. Gout is affiliated with Laser Printers.

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