The Fungus-Cancer-Sunlight Connection

Could cancer be related to a fungus infection, similar to Candida Albicans?

Microzymes, or microzymas are small moving particles that are indestructible and pervasive, according to Pasteur's rival, Antoine Bechamp. They form the basis for all living tissues in plants, animals and humans and, as Bechamp discovered, they are also the source from which bacteria spring forth, which can destroy the body through illness and disease.


Royal Raymond Rife, like Bechamp before him, also discovered that bacteria and viruses are pleomorphic, that viruses can break apart -- into bacteria-sized particles -- to pass through otherwise impermeable membranes, and then come back together once again. Rod shaped bacteria, Bechamp found, could change form into spheroid and other shapes, depending on the requirements of the local environment.

The Fungus-Cancer-Sunlight Connection

At first Pasteur refused to admit the truth of these observations and deductions, however Madame Victor Henri of the Pasteur Institute found confirmation that Bechamp was right in 1914. Pasteur stubbornly refused to budge until, on his deathbed, he finally confessed: "Bernard is right. The microbe is nothing. The environment is all important."

Claude Bernard, a French physiologist who died in 1878, believed in a cause and effect relationship between deadly germs, infectious microbes, and the inner terrain or environment of the body. Only when the internal terrain was defective in some way, Bernard and later Bechamp believed, could these organisms -- ever-present in even the healthiest people -- take control, causing sickness, ill-health and finally death.

Today, Italian oncologist Tullio Simoncini states unequivocally that "Cancer is a fungus" (in his book by the same name) because he has discovered that a fungus infection similar to candida albicans always forms the basis for every neoplastic (cancerous) formation. And Simoncini has found a very simple, inexpensive and effective therapy for all sorts of cancer, including but not necessarily limited to:

Cancers of the oropharynx, stomach, liver, intestines, spleen, brain, lungs, breasts and skin, peritoneal carcinosis, and tumors of the pancreas, bladder, prostate. pleura and limbs.

The treatment?

Simple baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), which effectively lowers acidity in the body and promotes a more alkaline state, because cancer thrives in an acidic environment, and also is anaerobic (thrives under low-oxygen conditions). Raise the oxygen content in the blood, with fresh air, exercise and sunshine -- which contributes "vitamin" D, an essential hormone necessary for producing or increasing lymphocytes in the blood, which produce interferon -- and cancer cannot thrive.

Sunlight also promotes serum cholesterol, needed by all parts of the body for repairs and tissue creation, lowers bad cholesterol and blood sugar, increases insulin sensitivity, and the oxygen-carrying ability of the blood. It can also increase muscle strength, prevent multiple sclerosis, reduce the risk of heart attack, strengthens bones, prevents osteoporosis, and can even cure tuberculosis, improves mood, reduces cavities, prevents hearing loss, eliminates back pain, regulates hormones, increases libido and boosts fertility in both sexes.

Sunlight alone can also eliminate bacteria from the air, water, and skin, and strengthens the immune system by stimulating neutrophils in the blood -- by exposure to ultraviolet light -- to attack and destroy bacteria. Sunlight also lowers blood pressure, strengthens the immune system and increases oxygen in bodily tissues, all of which helps lower the incidence of cancer. Inhibiting the immune system, on the other hand (which such orthodox treatments as chemo, radiation and surgery all tend to do), increases the incidence of cancer formation.

All of this has been known, and published, since the 1970s in such groundbreaking works as: Health and Light by John N. Ott (1973), Dr. J.H. Tilden's Toxemia Explained (1976), and Sunlight Could Save Your Life, by Dr. Zane R. Kime (1980), among others.

As Tilden said:

"The medical world is struggling to find the cause of cancer. It is the distal [terminal] end of an inflammatory process whose proximal [nearest] beginning may be any irritation. The end is degeneration from a lack of oxygen and nutriment, and, in degenerating, the septic material enters the circulation, setting up chronic septic poisoning called cancer cachexia." (Toxemia Explained, 1981 ed., p. 12).

Cachexia is a condition of weakness of body or mind associated with chronic disease (Reader's Digest Oxford Complete Wordfinder).

Natural activated "vitamin" (hormone) D can convert cancerous cells into normal cells (cellular differentiation), prevents the spread of cancer, regulates cell growth and apoptosis (cellular destruction or death), and suppresses genes responsible for cell reproduction.

The entire scare over sunlight exposure and cancer risks is entirely overblown and misleading. In fact, many serious, fatal forms of cancer, according to many studies (including: cancers of the bladder, colon, breasts, ovaries, pancreas, prostate, testicles, stomach, uterus, esophagus, gall bladder, cervix, including renal, gastric and oral cancers and even Non Hodgkin's lymphoma), are far less prevalent in sunnier climes than northern areas of the country.

In other words, the more optimal your natural sunlight-exposure generated "vitamin" D levels, the lower your risk factor is for all fatal cancers! You won't be hearing this any time soon from all the sun block manufacturers whose profitable sunlight as "killer villain" fiction propaganda sells Americans on avoiding the very thing that could help them most in the fight against the #1 killer disease (cancer), for all those below age 85 (according to the Centers for Disease Control's own annual published statistics).

The less healthful sunlight exposure, the greater the incidence of fatal cancers, which have been growing in numbers and severity every year for the past three decades, while heart disease has steadily declined every year during the same period. Mere coincidence, or is there a direct cause and effect connection between the two?

The Fungus-Cancer-Sunlight Connection

Hank Scott is the author of Cancers Answers Revealed (available now through Amazon:, Exploring the Riddle and Real Solutions to All Cancers. You can subscribe to a free email course and learn more about America's REAL #1 killer disease now at:

(c) Copyright - Hank Scott. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.